PH International

Khashuri school #8 have created a Mothers' Club.

Georgia | Georgia Community Action and Linkages for Legal Socialization | 11 Mar 2014

To improve parental engagement in the school life, Ge CALLS participants  Khashuri school #8 have created a Mothers Club, that is completed by one parent from each class of the entire school. The goal of the club is to facilitate regular communication and plan effective activities and interventions from parents.

At the end of the first meeting of the club members saw the documentary movie: “
Burning Bridges” that shows what a restorative justice process can look like in practice.  The movie initiated active discussions among the club members. They discussed the possibilities of applying mediation principles in conflict resolution process at school. The club also envisages several activities in cooperation with the local community and the school.  Namely, meetings with
law enforcement bodies
, medical representatives, NGOs  and the youth.