PH International

New approaches applied in school the disciplinary committees

Georgia | Georgia Community Action and Linkages for Legal Socialization | 11 Mar 2014

Members of disciplinary committees of the participant schools were retrained by their school principles who have attended GE CALLS training - “Social Justice and Discipline at School”.
Using the written and video materials from the training, principles and the committee members revisited the legal and administrative aspects, as well as the goals, structure and the functions of the committee. In some cases changes were made to the action plans of the Committee.  New cases were handled in the light of the new approaches gained on the trainings.
“After the training-“Social Justice and Discipline at School” , I view Disciplinary Committee as a powerful tool and the resource for promoting and encouraging discipline at school.”-said one of the participants.

During the meetings Committees viewed and discussed the movie “Burning Bridges” that shows what a restorative justice process can look like in practice. In some schools the Peace Corps volunteers and English language teachers were also involved to provide a pertinent  translation of the movie.