Armenia Community Action and Linkages for Legal SocializationCountry: Armenia |
AboutProgram FaceBook Page: purpose of Armenia CALLS is to support legal socialization reform by developing creative and proactive community-based models that 1) support Armenian communities in preventing juvenile delinquency through social justice activities for Armenian youth in coordination with the Armenian Police, schools, and communities and 2) contribute to a fundamental shift within the police, institutions administering justice, and community toward the use of alternative justice approaches for juveniles.
As its name indicates, Armenia CALLS is a call to action with an emphasis on developing a community’s sense of responsibility for its youth, leveraging resources to sustain local planning, preparing and engaging police officers as key assets in that process, and supporting the Ministry of Justice in its efforts to develop alternatives to imprisonment – especially important in reducing recidivism among youth.
PH proposes a program that will achieve this purpose and address key concerns by building upon more than a decade of Armenia experience in community policing and support for crime prevention, juvenile justice, reparative justice approaches, youth leadership and civic engagement. Armenia CALLS emphasizes local initiatives, underscoring the responsibility and assets of local communities to better meet the needs of their youth through supported partnerships, collaboration and social initiatives. CALLS also prepares law enforcement, court actors, local organizations and the general public for effective cooperation between Armenian Police, youth, families, schools and community stakeholders on initiatives that help young people develop cognitive, social and emotional competence for preventing violence. Armenia CALLS is funded by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
Program NewsCapacity Building of the Probation Officers in Armenia | 31 Mar 2017Capacity building of the newly established Probation State Service (PSS) in Armenia envisaged within the AM CALLS Community Grants component is in the process. > More
Sustainable Parents' Clubs | 26 Dec 2016Between 22-24, 2016 a training session on “Sustainable Parents’ Clubs” was organized for 15 parents from the parents’ clubs established by the 5 grantee organizations, 5 regional representatives and 5 grantee organization representatives: a total of 25 participants. INL Representatives Visit AM CALLS Program Site to Observe INL Funded Projects | 24 May 2016On May 13, 2016 representatives from Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) visited “Family and Community” NGO in Metsamor to observe the community initiatives within the INL funded AM CALLS project | AM CALLS @ FaceBook
Success StoriesAge Peculiarities and Adaption Practices Specific to Each Age Group | 2 Apr 2015Over Twenty Syrian- Armenian women participated in the training organized in Yerevan by the two trainers who had recently completed training in “Non-Violent Parenting and Conflict Resolution” within the AM CALLS project. This initiative was the basis for an effective collaboration between “Save the Children” working with Syrian Armenians and PH International staff. > MoreMotherhood and Childhood | 9 Mar 2015On March 9, within the AM CALLS project, the “Offenders' Rehabilitation Center” State Non-Commercial Organization of the RA Ministry of Justice (MoJ) organized an event called “Motherhood and Childhood” at the Abovyan penitentiary where female convicts carry out their sentence. During the event, over ten children arrived to the penitentiary from different regions of Armenia to meet their mothers and celebrate International Women’s Day with their mothers. > More |
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