PH International

Armenia Legal Education and Active Participation

Country: Armenia
Category: Community Development Programs


The Armenia Legal Education and Active Participation (LEAP) program, Nov. 13, 2017-Oct. 12, 2018, supports community-oriented social justice models geared toward improving and establishing positive interactions between the community and law enforcement officials. Emphasis is placed on ensuring that the child's best interests are of paramount importance, bringing about a fundamental shift within law enforcement, regional Departments for Protection of Families, Women and Children under the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, schools, and community toward restorative justice elements, and providing capacity support to structures within the Government of Armenia to respond to the specialized needs of juveniles with delinquent behavior and self-sustain legal socialization programs and efforts.


LEAP uses an integrated approach that educates juveniles on the law and the justice sector resources available to them and builds positive relationships between juveniles and law enforcement authorities; assesses problems in the case management system for juveniles and provides recommendations for addressing these problems; provides training to school multi-disciplinary teams on how to best support juveniles in difficult life situations; provides training to Abovyan prison staff on re-entry strategies for youth offenders; and increases the sustainability of legal socialization programs and efforts in Armenia by incorporating these programs into existing structures and ministries